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What should I gift my guy best friend on his birthday | Gift A Place

What should I gift my guy best friend on his birthday? Friendship is a beautiful relationship. It gets more beautiful when it’s between a girl and a boy. This platonic opposite-gender bond is hard to break once it’s formed. Sounds familiar? Apart from all the clichés, if this is your story and you have a male friend, then his birthday must be a nightmare for you when you have to decide the best gift for guy friend!

Apart from the happy occasion, choosing a gift for your male friend gets confusing. There are many struggles regarding, like, the gift should say ‘friends’ rather than ‘lovers.’ The gift should be better than everyone’s, and most importantly, it should be a thoughtful one.

13 Unique gifts for guys

To put an end to all your struggles, here is a compiled list of top gifts for guy best friend gifts for guy best friend:

1) Named wall bottle opener

Are you one of his friends who have to bring a bottle opener at every single drink night? Why don’t you save yourself and him some time by gifting him a walled bottle opener, which has his name on it? It will be a great attraction due to its convenience and also a constant reminder to your friend how lucky he is to have you!

2) Phone jail

Everyone loses their mobile phones once in a while, but if your friend loses it every day, this is the most effective way to solve his problem. Available on Amazon, this little jail box comes with a lock so that your friend can put his phone inside and not lose it all the time.

3) Personalised mouse pad

Those white and black mousepads are old school now. It also adds up to the depression of a bad day at the office. You can save your friend from this ‘mishap.’ Get a personalized face pad that has his miniature face shot entirely covering it. It would not only look funny but also cheer him up on a rough day.

4) Virtual reality headsets

These headsets can be ordered online from Amazon or can be bought at a local gadget shop. It is famous among gamers these days that have 4-D games they can play on it. If your friend is not a gamer, it can still be used to view images or even do video calls, which will make him feel close enough to a person as if they were really there.

5) Gift A Place

You knew he would become one of your best friends when you defeated him in that beer chug competition. Wouldn’t it be the sweetest gesture if you could gift him that place? Yes, you read that right; the team at Gif A Place will make sure that the bar will be registered under his name, as long as it exists on google maps and hasn’t been pre-registered by someone else.

6) Scribble alarm clock

If your friend hates getting up early in the morning and lands in some kind of trouble every single time due to it, this will be the gift for him. This writing clock can be ordered online via Amazon, has a screen built panel above it, which will remind your friend of the important tasks he is supposed to get up for. Mobile phones can be easily snoozed off, but the clock and message will not go away.

7) Holder for the lazy

Is your friend a dirty eater? Or does he always lose everything he has, from his phone, wallet, television remote, etc., once he sits on a couch? Then this holder just might be his savior! Easily attachable to curved surfaces, this holder helps to keep your food and controllers together yet separated.

8) Golf for restroom

Is he always on his phone? Even when he’s using the restroom! If your friend is one of those people, you can introduce him to the concept of ‘no electronic devices in the toilet’ by gifting him a little golf game. This cute toy can be played with anywhere and at any time. You can back this gift up with a caution cone warning others in your friend’s house that he is using the restroom!

9) Fidget spinner

We all have stressful days. If your friend is the anxious type or has ADHD, or generally gets distracted due to workload, this little toy can help him relieve stress and help him focus on his work better. This thoughtful gift idea can be ordered online or bought at a store.

10) Flip-flop socks

Does he have a collection of interesting socks? If he doesn’t, you should gift him these funny-looking flip-flop socks so that he starts to have one. Available on Amazon, these socks give an illusion of worn slippers, making them unique and humorous.

11) Inflatable frame aid

Has he always made fun of your age on your birthday? Well, it’s time for revenge. This inflatable walker will make not only your friend laugh but also others at this birthday party. You can ask him to keep it as he is going to need it from then!

12) Shave apron

He can only understand his struggle to shave his beard without making a mess. So be a good friend and gift him an apron that could be easily fixed anywhere. This way, he can cleanly shave his beard without messing up his bathroom or his clothes.

13) Funky books subscription

If your friend is an avid reader who just likes to read funky or weird books, you can subscribe to him to the yearly or monthly issue of his favorite genres in books and help him avoid reading everything digitally. This concludes our list of what should I gift my guy best friend on his birthday.

Read Our next blog - Gifts for men on the first day of job

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